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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Arcadia Falls

Over the holidays I had a chance to read the novel "Arcadia Falls". I read it in a day and I really enjoyed it. My only complaint was that it got wrapped up rather quick in the end and it was hard to follow the confusing details. One this that I liked about it was that it was based on a small art school and former artist colony. The question was asked throughout the book as to whether, in the case of a woman, getting married and having children means the end of a woman's art career. Sadly this is often the case. Let's face it. If you have the responsibilities of a family and a home it leaves little time for yourself. I experience this on a daily basis. For instance, I would love to spend the next week being creative, but instead I find myself cleaning and doing laundry. I know that someone has to do these things, and I would be doing them whether I had a family or not. It's just theres so many things now that have to compete for my attention. Would I give up my children to be a full time, dedicated artist? No. However, I still long for the days when my only responsibility was myself. I still dream about living in New York with a loft studio. I still harbour many of the same dreams I used to have. However, with age and responsibility comes another thing called realism. Bills have to be paid, suppers have to be made, weekends are spent in hockey rinks. Maybe I have sold out, but I do the best I can. I teach art full time, I knit or draw at the hockey rink, I read whatever I can on the subject. And really, does being a successful artist mean you have to be featured in magazines and the recipient of large amounts of money and prestige, or does it mean you find ways to express yourself in many aspects of your daily life? Something to think about.

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